1. International joint project with the Van Gogh Museum. A Japan first!
The first Van Gogh exhibition in Japan to be held jointly with the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands. After finishing in Japan, the exhibition will be presented at the Van Gogh Museum.
2. Japanese art’s influence on Van Gogh, viewed from many angles
What was Van Gogh’s image of Japan? How did Japanese art influence him? These questions are explored through some 40 Van Gogh works from collections in Japan and abroad, and over 50 works by Japanese Ukiyo-e artists and Van Gogh’s contemporaries.
3. First Japan showing! Three “guestbooks” from the Gachet House
Some 80 historical items—including three guestbooks from the Gachet House—are employed to trace the first wave of Van Gogh pilgrimages made by Japanese. Be present at the intersection of dreams—Van Gogh’s dreams of Japan and those of the Japanese who idolized him.