1. A grand retrospective of the largest scale
As befits a 50th anniversary exhibition, one of the largest retrospectives yet held. Over 100 carefully selected works will be on display.
2. Foujita masterpieces from major Western art museum collections!
Some 20 important works, including pieces never seen in Japan, will arrive from such distinguished museums as the Centre Pompidou Paris, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, and the Art Institute of Chicago in the USA.
3. Over 10 nudes displaying Foujita’s signature “milky-white” backgrounds
Arriving from overseas—Foujita nudes on “milky-white” backgrounds, dating from his prime period in the 1920s. Joining them will be nudes in Japanese collections, including the recently restored Before the Ball (Ohara Museum of Art) and Five Nudes (The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo).
4. Leonard Foujita returns to Ueno!
Ueno was a starting point for Foujita, who studied at Tokyo Fine Arts School (currently Tokyo University of the Arts) and held shows in the 1920s and ‘30s at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum on return visits to Japan. This will be the first ever Foujita retrospective in Ueno at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.