Exhibition Introduction by the Group
For our third show we are taking “color” as a theme. Thirteen artists are participating from the genres of ceramics, dyeing and weaving, woodworking, metalworking, and glass. Our aim is an exhibition that provides direct experiences of two kinds of color through craft pieces by artists of different generations—the natural “color” of widely varying materials and the “color” emerging from the works of striking originality by our artists.
Participating Artists * representative
Sayaka Izumi (Ceramics), Miho Katsuragawa (Dyeing), Hideko Kojima* (Dyeing and weaving), Norikatsu Sato (Ceramics), Hidenori Sonobe (Woodworking), Sahoko Tahara (Glass), Kaoru Tsutajima (Glass), Naoto Tsuchiya (Dyeing), Daisuke Hasegawa (Metalworking), Yuki Hamano (Ceramics), Yukie Maezawa (Ceramics), Mari Morita (Dyeing), Yuichi Yukinoura (Ceramics)
Group Profile
We are a group of craft artists who take contemporary society and lifestyle as a stage for producing works through a close adherence to our materials. Our members, although artists of different generations doing different work, each strive to create works of craft from their own sensibilities able to appeal to contemporary tastes and fit contemporary spaces. We would like to propose to viewers a new kind of potential for art and craft.