Important notice for educational institutions (elementary, junior high, and high schools): regarding school visits to the special exhibition "Tanaka Isson: Light and Soul" and "Ueno Artist Project 2024: Nostalgia ―Scenery in Memory"
Please carefully check the regulation above and book a visit before 10 days you plan a visit.
To elementaly, junior high, and high schools outside the metropolitan area.
[Special Exhibition]
*The teaching staff of schools outside the metropolitan area are required to make a ticket reservation from the exhibition’s official website (admission fee is required).
To elementary, junior high, and high schools based in Tokyo.
Teachers at Tokyo elementary, junior high, and high schools and corresponding institutions wishing to bring their students to an exhibition for educational purposes may apply to have their own and their high school students’ admission fees exempted.
If you hard to use the form, please make sure to contact us before you plan visit and fill in the admission exemption application form (exhibition name, date, day of week and time of viewing, number in party, and all teachers’ names) two weeks before your visit. Seal the form with your school director’s official seal and post it to the postal address below. After processing your form, the museum will send you a certificate of approval.
○ Application form (Japanese only)
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art
Admission Exemption Application Form (Japanese only)
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art
Admission Exemption Application Form (Japanese only)
○ Postal address
TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM, Art communication programs
8-36 Ueno-Park Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-0007