公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 東京都美術館
この度東京都美術館では、AC事業の12年間の歩みとそのエッセンスを振り返り、多彩なAC事業が体験できる特別企画を開催します。これまでの活動から生まれたアーカイブの展示、同時期に開催される企画展「うえののそこから「はじまり、はじまり」荒木珠奈 展」の出品作家である荒木珠奈がメキシコ滞在時に通ったレニャテーロス工房の資料展示に加え、版画の道具材料に触れられる体験コーナー、ワークショップ、建築ツアー、レクチャーなど連日盛りだくさんのプログラムを実施します。会場には、現役及び任期満了したアート・コミュニケータ(とびラー)が常時滞在し、来場者と一緒にさまざまなアート・コミュニケーションが楽しめる場を作ります。
July 29 (Sat) – August 11 (Fri-holiday), 2023
Closed days
August 7 (Mon)
Opening times
9:30–17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
*Admission Free
The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum has launched the Art Communication Programs (hereinafter referred to as the AC Programs) under its newly adopted mission at the time of its renewal in 2012, aiming to become a "gateway to art" open to all people. We have undertaken a wide variety of initiatives to ensure that the museum is not only a place to study and exhibit art and cultural assets, but also a creative place that connects people with art and people with people, and fosters new relationships between individuals and society.
In the AC Programs, other than museum curators, faculty members and specialists from Tokyo University of the Arts and art communicators (nicknamed "Tobira") and citizens from various backgrounds collaborate with each other. While deepening learning and practice together through cultural resources, we create and devise opportunities for all people to enjoy the museum in their own ways. With social issues in mind, we have conducted many activities, including programs related to exhibitions, architecture, and outdoor sculpture.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum will hold a special program to look back on the 12-year history of the AC programs and its essence, and to allow visitors to experience a wide variety of AC programs. This program will exhibit the programs’ archival materials created from past activities and also books and printed materials from the Taller Leñateros where Tamana Araki, the exhibiting artist of the "From the depths of Ueno, a story begins―Tamana Araki" exhibition coinciding with this special program, engaged in collaborative workshops during her stay in Mexico. There will be a hands-on corner where visitors can touch the materials related to printmaking as well as workshops, architectural tours, lectures, and many other programs every day. Art communicators (current and post-Tobira) will be present at the venue at all times, creating a place where visitors can enjoy various kinds of art communication with them.