Born in Tokyo, Tamana Araki encountered the engraving technique during her studies in Mexico. Since the 1990s, Araki has worked in a wide range of media including print, three-dimensional work, and installation. Through workshops, she has also created works collaboratively with children and people of diverse cultures, including indigenous people of Mexico. Currently based in New York, she continues to pursue her art at her own pace.
Born in Tokyo, Tamana Araki encountered the engraving technique during her studies in Mexico. Since the 1990s, Araki has worked in a wide range of media including print, three-dimensional work, and installation. Through workshops, she has also created works collaboratively with children and people of diverse cultures, including indigenous people of Mexico. Currently based in New York, she continues to pursue her art at her own pace.
Musashino Art University Museum & Library, Hamada Children’s Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts