

Art as a Haven of Happiness

2014년 7월 26일(토)~10월 8일(수)

SHIMOKAWA Tomomi (Shobu Gakuen) Untitled, 2014. Mixed media.
미에현과 도쿄를 거점으로 하는 '아틀리에 엘레망 프레장', 카고시마현의 '쇼부가쿠엔'의 다운증후군 등 지적장애인들이 제작한 회화, 오브제, 패브릭 등을 소개합니다. '인간 창조'의 원점을 엿볼 수 있는 작품들로 '행복'과 '조화'라는 말이 잘 어울리는 축제와 같은 밝은 분위기로 넘쳐납니다.
Major works
  • 冬木陽(アトリエ・エレマン・プレザン) 《あおあおあお》

    Yo Fuyuki (Atelier Elément Présent)
    2012. Oil on arche paper.

  • 倉俣晴子(アトリエ・エレマン・プレザン) 無題

    Yusuke Fujimoto (Atelier Elément Présent) JR Sobu Railway Line,
    2006. Oil on arche paper.

  • 濱田幹雄(しょうぶ学園) 無題

    Tomomi Shimokawa (Shobu Gakuen)
    2014. Cotton thread, cotton cloth, hemp, glass bottle.

  • 濱田幹雄(しょうぶ学園) 無題

    Kobo Shobu
    2013. Wild cherry. etc.

  • Yo Fuyuki (Atelier Elément Présent) Blue-blue-blue

    Yo Fuyuki (Atelier Elément Présent)
    Blue Blue Blue
    2013. Oil on arche paper.

  • KURAMATA Haruko (Atelier Elément Présent) Untitled

    KURAMATA Haruko (Atelier Elément Présent) Untitled,
    2010. Cardboard, fabric.

  • HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen) Untitled

    HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen)

    2013. Acrylic on sailcloth.

  • HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen) Untitled

    HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen)

    2012. Acrylic on cardboard.

  • ANZAWA Miri (Atelier Elément Présent) Ojaru-maru

    ANZAWA Miri (Atelier Elément Présent)

    2008. Oil on Japanese paper.

  • OKADA Shinji (Atelier Elément Présent) Kaachan-no-kami-no-ke-ga-nai

    OKADA Shinji (Atelier Elément Présent)
    Mama has no hair,

    2012. Oil on arche paper.

  • NOMAGUCHI Keisuke (Shobu Gakuen) Untitled

    NOMAGUCHI Keisuke (Shobu Gakuen)

    2005. Cotton shirt, mixed media.

  • HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen) Untitled

    HAMADA Mikio (Shobu Gakuen)

    2011. Acrylic on Japanese paper.




A major exhibition devoted to "Atelier Elément Présent" and "Shobu Gakuen," two art studios that are growing in renown. While featuring works of painting, sculpture, embroideries, and other genres—many of them recent works—the exhibition will also recreate an actual studio in a gallery and host on-site art production there (dates as yet undecided). Visitors will be permitted to attend the exhibition twice with one ticket, to enable them to return and see for themselves how the artworks have grown in number. Amid a celebratory atmosphere in the exhibition venue, visitors will experience the "true pleasure of art" with all of its freshness and excitement.
