찾아오시는 길

찾아오시는 길

  • Access1 Following the promenade’s stone paving, you will see a Park Information counter on the right. Here you can also purchase exhibition tickets.
  • Access2 The National Museum of Western Art stands beside the Park Information counter. Proceed straight with Tokyo Bunka Kaikan on your left and The National Museum of Western Art on your right.
  • Access3 The Ueno Zoo will be seen ahead, in the distance. On your right, you will see a clock tower and silver Police Box.
  • Access4 On passing the Police Box, a broad plaza with a fountain will appear on your right. The building visible beyond the fountain is Tokyo National Museum. ※The fountain may not be visible if events are underway in the plaza.
  • Access5 Continue past the plaza, angling to the right. A coffee shop will appear on your right and, beside it, a public restroom. Ahead you will see a promenade among trees and the red brick of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
  • Access6 The promenade will lead you to the main entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. If, instead, you go right of the promenade, you will reach the east entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. (Barrier free information) At the main entrance, escalators and elevators are available for reaching the museum lobby. Entry at the main entrance is recommended, as the east entrance only has stairs.

Access Map

Access from the JR Ueno Station “Park Gate”
  • 1Following the promenade’s stone paving, you will see a Park Information counter on the right. Here you can also purchase exhibition tickets.

  • 2The National Museum of Western Art stands beside the Park Information counter. Proceed straight with Tokyo Bunka Kaikan on your left and The National Museum of Western Art on your right.

  • 3The Ueno Zoo will be seen ahead, in the distance. On your right, you will see a clock tower and silver Police Box.

  • 4On passing the Police Box, a broad plaza with a fountain will appear on your right. The building visible beyond the fountain is Tokyo National Museum.

    ※The fountain may not be visible if events are underway in the plaza.
  • 5Continue past the plaza, angling to the right. A coffee shop will appear on your right and, beside it, a public restroom. Ahead you will see a promenade among trees and the red brick of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

  • 6The promenade will lead you to the main entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. If, instead, you go right of the promenade, you will reach the east entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

    (Barrier free information)
    At the main entrance, escalators and elevators are available for reaching the museum lobby. Entry at the main entrance is recommended, as the east entrance only has stairs.


찾아오시는 길


(110-0007) 도쿄도 다이토쿠 우에노코엔(上野公園:우에노 공원) 8-36


전화 03-3823-6921(대표번호, 일본어 안내) / 팩스 03-3823-6920

대중교통 이용 시

JR 우에노역 하차, ‘공원 개찰구’ 로 나와서 도보 7분

도쿄메트로 긴자선 및 히비야선 우에노역 하차, 7번 출구에서 도보 10분

게이세이전철 게이세이우에노역 하차, 도보 10분

※주차장이 없으므로 대중교통을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

관람 안내

관람 시간

9:30 ~ 17:30

※특별전 개최기간 중 금요일은 9:30 ~ 20:00.

※입장은 관람 종료 시간 30분 전까지 가능합니다.

전관 정기휴일

매월 첫째, 셋째 주 월요일(월요일이 공휴일 및 대체 휴일인 경우에는 그다음 평일에 휴무)

※특별전 및 기획전: 매주 월요일(월요일이 공휴일 및 대체 휴일인 경우에는 그다음 평일에 휴무)

※상기 이외 전시: 매월 첫째, 셋째 주 월요일(월요일이 공휴일 및 대체 휴일인 경우에는 그다음 평일에 휴무)

정비 휴관 2024.12.21 ~ 28, 2025.1.11 ~ 18

연말연시 2024.12.29 ~ 2025.1.3

입장료는 무료입니다. 단, 전시회에 따라 관람료를 받는 경우가 있습니다.

※전시회 및 이벤트 관련 최신 정보는 영어 또는 일본어 HP의 첫 페이지에서 확인해주십시오.

※미술가협회 등 그룹 전시회 스케줄은 영어 또는 일본어 HP의 첫 페이지 또는 "그룹전 캘린더(일본어)"를 참조하십시오.

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